Montana Owners NY/NJ/PA

I'm very interested in the Montana line but am having difficulty scaring up a demo, even after talking with PBN. Anyone have a pair of SP3's or EPS2's in the area willing to let me visit for a listen. I'll offer the customary microbrew as an inducement. Thanks!

Showing 3 responses by gmood1

I've heard Oz's setup briefly. It sounds fantastic!!!
Definitely one of the best setups I've had the pleasure of listening to. For some reason Oz..I knew you would be back with the Montanas. I wondered why you never tried a different model of PBN to see if they also pushed your buttons. IMHO these speakers don't get the attention they deserve. The SP2 has a transmission line type bass that really pushes my buttons. It is also an imaging monster with great driver integration..
Hey doesn't take me long to figure out if I could live with a speaker. I could easily live with those SP2s and be happy. Upgrading can sometime actually be downgrading in sound if you know what I mean.
Just because you spend more doesn't mean you'll be happy with the results.:-D

Let me know when the Montana's go up for sell again..I'll make sure you'll never get that pair back.LOL
LOL... Bombaywalla it's a small world!!! I've thought about this many times. I just never bothered asking Oz as he seemed to be on a mission with the speaker hunt. :-)
I also wouldn't mind giving the GMA speakers you own a whirl. GMA IMHO makes some of the most realistic sounding speakers on the pyrotechnics ..just the facts Ma'am.LOL