Mono Recordings

I was listening to my brand new copy of Analog Productions "The Chirping Crickets" sitting here at the computer way of axis and the sound was wonderful. I decided to check it out at the listening position and it was surreal. Music coming from a slit in space. The first thing that popped into my head was the Outer Limits intro. Off axis you would not know it was Mono and instruments and voices attain their normal sizes. I'm not sure where the passion for mono recordings comes from. Obviously in some instances you have no choice. There is a lot of incredible music from the early to mid 50's that is incredible but given the choice I would go for the stereo version. Getting the Beatles collection on CD in Mono seems a bit odd to me. Except for the old music can anyone tell me what the attraction to mono recordings is?

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I enjoy mono recordings especially if I'm in my listening perch between both speakers. Everything is between the Speakers and if its recorded right it's like an audio photograph. Dont be afraid of mono.