MONO cartridges

I bought a few Mono reissues and now I think about a proper cartridge for them.
But the information varies a lot, some write, for those reissues I don't need a mono cart., there would be no difference to a stereo cartridge, or the differences are not worth the price difference.
Next, are the modern mono cartridges only stripped down Stereo cartridges?
Half winding, half output?
How about the difference from the needle?
Are the "old" Monos the way to go? SPU?
I have a Lyra Helikon stereo running at the moment, that one is available as a Mono cartridge, or others too.... some experiences?

Showing 1 response by plinko

It would be nice to hear more about the Helikon. I have heard that Lyra does not believe that the microgroove (older) monos need a 1 mil conical or a larger elliptical stylus. Does anyone know the stylus profile and size of the Helikon mono? Is is larger than their other models?

A true mono cartridge does not cancel. It simply does not read in the vertical motion. A stereo cartridge strapped or wired for mono (ie many modern "mono" cartridges) might allow for some vertical motion to be imparted to the cantilever. This is not to say that those cartridges are worse than the true mono cartridges as it's the end result fo the system being evaluated.

For stereo cartridges strapped or wired (ie many modern mono cartridges...but not all), cancellation is probably not the best term. "+ and - Summed together with the possibility for a remainder" is probably better way to put it. Cancellation would be perfect if coils are matched and cartridge is aligned perfectly). Still, it's a huge improvement over a stereo cartridge.

I'm getting my Denon 102 retipped with a larger elliptical profile. Should be interesting to see the difference for older microgroove lps (pre, say, 1960)...