Mono block suggestions

I am in the process of upgrading my amplifier(actually adding my 6th and 7th channel)the last 2 channels will act as my fronts for high performance 2 channel. Because of a lack of space in my component stand it would be very convenient to upgrade to mono blocks,and sit them right next to the front speakers. I have a 5 channel 125 watt amp. I would like to find 100-150 watt mono's. I am interested in the Pass Aleph 2's. Can I get any feed back on these,and also can any one recommend any other mono's that would fall in this range. I don't want to spend more than 2500.00(used) I'm asking for other recommendations because I'm not sure I can touch the Pass Aleph's for 2500.00 or even 3K. My front speakers are Martin Logan Clarity's. 2 channel sound now with the Acurus 125X5 is amazing.(I am also using the new Martin Logan Sub) Since I need 2 more channels for eventual 7.1,I want that final staple for my system. I would appreciate any suggestions. BTW-I'm limiting my search to solid state. Thanks
Krelldog appreciate the clarification, but I still don't know why anyone in the business would say monos are only for appearance or rack configuration. There technical differences between them.
You know I just recived my stratos monoblock extreme
they are beautiful and they sound unbelievable.IMO
the sound I am hearing is comparable to a $12000
ampi know. This amps are bargain for their price, this
amp will be on my possesion for a long time.
I see you'd like to try some monoblocks. I have a pair of VTL 80 watt mono's for sale. Asking 950.00 OBO.
Let me know