Monitors for a bedroom system.......

Hi guys, I always like the great advice I get here. I am setting up a bedroom system for the 30-45 minutes it takes me to fall asleep. I tend to play ambient stuff to help me nod off. Anything with great, deep soundstage, clarity, neutrality? The speakers have to have presence at low volumes. In fact, they only need to play at low volumes. Placement restrictions will force them to sit about 6 inches from the wall. I can spend about $2000 used.
I wasnt thinking when I sold my Nautilus 805's. Any suggestions??

Showing 3 responses by gmood1

Yeap I agree with Rar1 on this. If you own this home. Have you considered mounting speakers on the ceiling that tilt down towards your bed. The speakers can be be back from the foot of the bed facing you at a 45 degree angle. I've got a good friend with speakers mounted like this. O'Boy at the soundstage depth you's uncanny!You can take some of the money you save and get it installed if your not comfortable doing it yourself. A pair of small single drivers would be great for this. It's like laying down with earphones on.;-)

Don't let the bed bugs bite!
I don't know if putting a speaker with a rear port tuned sharply at 50Hz 6 inches from a wall is a good idea. The results could be disastrious.He's liable to have a lumpy mess for sound.LOL
lololololololololol..Marco you should be doing standup.
HaHa that's a good one!