I know you may find this post perhaps a little too idealistic, but here's my two cents. Ignore at will. I had three kids in four years, all the while maintaining a pretty serious audio rig. They were taught from day one to stay away from my stuff, that was Daddy's and they were not to touch it under any circumstances. Similarly, we never removed all the knick knacks and other stuff the wife likes to keep around, we were vigilant in raising them to respect people's things. Easier said than done, I know. My kids are now 7.5, 9, 10.5 and so far, there has been no damage to anything, including themselves. Why go this route? Well, if you take yer kids to friend's houses, it's hard to expect your friends to childproof their place cuz you wanna pass a few hours there together. Long-winded diatribe on parenting I guess, but, it may be worth considering since yer first is on the way now. Congrats, kids are terrific! Jeff
Monitors are falling
I am soliciting advice ... opinions even ... on what to do with my rig. My stand mounted B&W CDM-1SEs were almost the victim of a knock down over the weekend ... by my wife of all people. This started the 'this is a living room not a media room' diatribe. Insult to injury is the fact that our first child is on the way. I beg you for suggestions ... ideas tto make the CDMs more stable or a really nice floor stander that I can get into in the $1,000 - $1,500 used range. All opinions are welcome and appreciated.