Check out the System Audio SA2K at I discovered these $3500 monitors at the 2002 CES being demoed with the BAT VK300x integrated and haven't heard anything better the past 16 months. I "upgraded" from the $5000 Sonus faber Electa Amator I's that had the Esotar T660 tweeters! The SA2K's use modified Scanspeak Revelator drivers. The highs are sweet and non-fatiguing, the bass is unbelievable down to 40Hz -1.5dB and female vocals in particular sound live. If you want punch & balls using tubes for jazz & blues, these monitors are a must audition. I'm driving them with an all tube Kora Galaxy & Eclipse system. The SA2K's have been listed on A'gon between $1700~$2K.
Monitors $1,000 to $2,000?
Category: Speakers
Just getting started here. Currently I am looking at:
o Joseph Audio RM7si MK2s
o Monitor Audio Gold Reference (GR) 10s
It is a mid- to large-sized room so a sub will likely eventually be paired. Music selection will vary widely with an emphasis on Jazz and Blues, most likely sourced from a universal player to be deterimed and amped from either a Unico/ Unison Research or a nicely moded Jolinda 302B.
o Which would your pick be?
o What else should I look at?
o Which amp would you pair with?
Thanks so much!
Just getting started here. Currently I am looking at:
o Joseph Audio RM7si MK2s
o Monitor Audio Gold Reference (GR) 10s
It is a mid- to large-sized room so a sub will likely eventually be paired. Music selection will vary widely with an emphasis on Jazz and Blues, most likely sourced from a universal player to be deterimed and amped from either a Unico/ Unison Research or a nicely moded Jolinda 302B.
o Which would your pick be?
o What else should I look at?
o Which amp would you pair with?
Thanks so much!