Monitor speaker that will stop the Quest?

There's a great thread, "Speakers to hold onto for life".
The overwhelming consenses is that they're fullrange speakers.
How about us monitor speaker fans? What monitor speaker
do you own or plan on purchasing that will indeed stop
the quest for a better speaker, or to hang on to for life.

Showing 2 responses by aamefford

Just aqn update - Fritz didn't have the Carbon 7's, he had sold the demo pair before we met up. He did have the Grove Towers I was interested in. I spent about 3 weeks with them, going from hot to warm, and finally decided I really like them. I now own them. Fritz feels they are direct competition to the Totem Forrest, and has a small shop I think in Dana Point that has agreed to floor a pair of his Grove Towers next to a pair of Totem Forrests in an A/B set up. I wish I was in So. Cal. just to check that out! Dang, I just remembered this is a monitor speaker thread... Sorry for the OT, but I'll leave the post, because I think Fritz' speakers are awesome, and he is one of the nice guys, and deserves the added exposure.