Monitor/Bookshelf speakers for 20w SET-cost no object

I am setting up a SET 300B system in a smaller bedroom converted to home hoffice/computer room. Have settled on a CARY CAD-300SEI/LX20 using KR Enterprises 300B Tubes. I am looking for a pair of speakers to match. So far, I have been suggested Red Rose R3, ProAc Resp 1s, 2s, Spendors, B&W 805N, Soliliquoy SM 2a3,JM Lab Mini-Utopias, Champlain Valley Speaker Co. - Granite "Copernicus", Jean Marie Reynaud Offrande. I listen to jazz-all types, but mainly vocals (female), guitar, acoustic piano, sax and some blues. I need the midrange, but also prefer a detailed, revealing, crystaline high end. I would also think Tannoy would have a monitor along these lines. All suggestions and your experience welcome. Glad to see these forums back--in any form. Thanks Audiogon !!!
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Showing 1 response by vincehoffman

You really should look at both the Merlin TSM Millenium if the room is really tiny and the VSM Milleniums if the room is small to medium. Both speakers are great as near field monitors. I know some audiogonners are listening as close as 5'-6'. Their flat 8 ohm+ impedance is very OTL and SET friendly along with a reasonably high efficiency of 90db 20 watts should be plenty in a smaller room.

If you are looking for a fair price on either of these you should talk with Mike at , my local purveyor of things that sound very good. If you were interested in the 3A M.C.R. monitors recommended in the last post I believe Mike just took a pair in on trade.