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Monitor/Bookshelf speakers for 20w SET-cost no object
I am setting up a SET 300B system in a smaller bedroom converted to home hoffice/computer room. Have settled on a CARY CAD-300SEI/LX20 using KR Enterprises 300B Tubes. I am looking for a pair of speakers to match. So far, I have been suggested Red Rose R3, ProAc Resp 1s, 2s, Spendors, B&W 805N, Soliliquoy SM 2a3,JM Lab Mini-Utopias, Champlain Valley Speaker Co. - Granite "Copernicus", Jean Marie Reynaud Offrande. I listen to jazz-all types, but mainly vocals (female), guitar, acoustic piano, sax and some blues. I need the midrange, but also prefer a detailed, revealing, crystaline high end. I would also think Tannoy would have a monitor along these lines. All suggestions and your experience welcome. Glad to see these forums back--in any form. Thanks Audiogon !!!