Monitor Audio Silver 300 amp pairing

I currently have a Schiit Ragnarok that I've been using with my Monitor Audio Silver 300's. 

Wondering if my Ragnarok is too underpowered for the speakers, if they won't really let them shine. If so, I'm wondering if I should get a more powerful amp (150-200w) like a McIntosh MC-252 or something.

Any thoughts appreciated, thanks!!

• Schiit Ragnarok - 60W @ 8ohms
• Monitor Audio Silver 300 - recommended amp power: 80 – 200 W @ 8ohms
How far away do you sit?

If sitting ~10ft away, 75W RMS into 8ohm will give you at least 100dB. I usually recommended not running amps at full tilt, so I would suggest at least 100W RMS into 8ohm.

It you want, you can always use the Ragnarok as a pre-amp, and use the RCA/XLR outs. James Romeyn assembled NC400’s will run you $1500-$3000 depending on configuration (single stereo, monoblock pair, bridged monoblock pair).