Monitor Audio Silver 100 New 7G

Hello. I was wondering if anyone has an opinion on the Monitor Audio Silver 100’s dislike and likes? I am looking to upgrade my Elacs DBR’S.




I have owned a pair of Silver 100 g6 for over 3 years. I do love them but positioning is crucial in my large living center. Those al-mg alloy tweeters put out a lot of high frequency energy. I found, while sitting between them, that only a slight toe-in sounds best. 

The left and right speaker face 2 feet off my left and right shoulder. The sound stage is broad, instrument placement is precise with super detail. I believe this is the way they are designed to be used. If you toe them in so that they beam directly to your ears the treble is a bit too much. The 8” alloy bass/mid driver puts out deep and detailed bass. 

I love mine but they needed to be dialed in.


I have the MA Silver 100 g6 in my secondary listening room, powered by either a Marantz PM17 or a Cary SLI30. The Marantz is about 90 wpc, the Cary is 30ish wpc.

These are my 3rd pair of MA since i moved on from PSB about 8 years ago. I like them for their balanced sound, and their imaging. The S100 rivals my RX6 for bass power, although the rx6 is in a much larger space.

My secondary listening space is a bonus room, about 15’ x 20’ with an irregular ceiling. The S100 can easily overload this space, so I listen at moderately low volumes.

I also like the cabinetry in the Silver series.

I can’t comment on the comparison to the Elac’s, I’ve never spent time with those.

would I buy the S100 again? I would, but in my listening space, I would first audition the Silver 50 g7.

Best of luck,
