money AND time. How do I get both?

I work 82 hours a week. I have plenty of money for equipment but no time to listen to it. Through transcendental meditation I attempt to listen to my best music from work but this method just does not reproduce bass accurately. What do I do now?
Thanks for your input everybody. I like my job but miss my wife and the 4 hour listening sessions in front of the hifi in the evening. Occasionally the dog (Toby) and I will soak up some Bela Fleck or Keb Mo for an hour in the morning or even some Type O Negative if I really want to scare the neighbours but this is not sufficient. I was hoping for maybe a secret Harry Potter store that sold watches with an extra 9 or so hours on them.(of course we would not age during the additional hours). Just think of me next time your melting into your easy chair with your favorite "relaxor" in your hand listening to good music. This may get me by for now.
Your name is Brian and you like Type O Negative and hi-fi, and you work too much. Are you the future me? If you are a doctor, then this is the Twilight Zone. Take care of yourself.
Hmm.. Well, lots of understanding people here. I don't know if this helps, but..

I was in the same boat; 80-100 hours a week, very consistently, and paid well by the hour. Money was never a problem, but there was never any time to spend it. I wasn't buying high-end gear back then, though.

So now I work half as many hours and for half the pay and I have to be much more careful with my money. Even though I am much less able to afford it now and I really have to save for months to buy a nice component, I appreciate it much more. I am also much more careful with my purchases, and in researching and auditioning new components I find I've learned quite a bit.

I don't regret buying back all that time. Music is good for the soul; work and money aren't. And I'm not even supposed to be old enough to know the difference yet.