Mojo Audio Mystique EVO

Mojo Audio updated their website yesterday with details on the next generation of the Mojo Mystique DAC, the Mystique EVO.

Unlike the V3, the EVO has upgrade options for component, isolation and shielding upgrades - at purchase or to be upgraded later.   The website states there are plans to release new boards for ethernet/roon, and other dac chips like the PCM63.

I pre-ordered an EVO in late February with a few upgrades.  I'm expected to receive it in 1-2 weeks, and I'll post my impressions after some time with it.  I currently have the Mystique V3 and I find it fantastic.  Really looking forward to hearing Ben's next iteration.


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I just grabbed a used Mystique V3 Balanced this week and it is incoming. 

It will be my first R2R DAC and I'm excited to try it vs my recent handful of DACs (SimAudio, Bricasti, Topping, and currently RME).

I'll be using the SPDIF interface from a Roon endpoint (Raspberry Pi based).