Mojo Audio Mystique EVO

Mojo Audio updated their website yesterday with details on the next generation of the Mojo Mystique DAC, the Mystique EVO.

Unlike the V3, the EVO has upgrade options for component, isolation and shielding upgrades - at purchase or to be upgraded later.   The website states there are plans to release new boards for ethernet/roon, and other dac chips like the PCM63.

I pre-ordered an EVO in late February with a few upgrades.  I'm expected to receive it in 1-2 weeks, and I'll post my impressions after some time with it.  I currently have the Mystique V3 and I find it fantastic.  Really looking forward to hearing Ben's next iteration.


Showing 6 responses by cal3713

@c_avila1  Congrats!  Exactly the outcome we all hope for, but so few actually achieve.
@mitch2 Totally agreed, despite the above criticism.

Can't say I love the business model, but obviously what they're doing works and is allowing them to create a wonderful sounding product.  And certainly you can find higher priced gear that sounds worse.
Looking forward to reading more impressions... this dac has been on my radar ever since I saw the internal construction and attention to detail (especially in the power supply). Very happy with my Audio Mirror T3-SE, and since it uses the same r2r chips, I see the evos as a natural potential upgrade path.

And didn't know you'd made the switch Bill @grannyring Congrats on the extremely positive upgrade experience...
@taylor02 There's a 45 day trial period for the Evo. I'd love to hear the comparison if you make the plunge.
$1000 in new opamps I'm sure.  Can't blame someone for charging what people will pay, but yes, I've been monitoring this unit for over a year and the prices just keep moving up, always with some included upgrades, but still...
@jimmy2615 Interesting. Many years ago I bought an oppo for the same purpose. Ended up returning it during the demo period for the same reason you cite. I bought a macmini instead and it was much better.  I now have a dedicated steamer.