Modwright sony xa5400 vs Modwright Oppo 95

Anyone got a chance to compare modded xa5400 and Oppo 95 units? How would you define the overall sound character of the two? I am using Merlin speakers with ARS filarmonia amplifier. I like to listen Jazz and Classical mainly. Would like to have a great resolution, vocal clarity, focused sound stage and full bodied presentation (..of Piano and string instruments).
Not looking for comparison between stock and modded units.
Please help me decide between the two. Thanks.

Showing 16 responses by celestial_audio

Thanks Erndog for the thread. Dan likes oppo 95. Better bass and warmer. I am still not sure about oppo as I really like stock Sony. I am hoping that somebody with long enough experience with both units would chime in.
Thanks for the responses.
Now that was really helpful. Thanks rfogel8. I hope both show units had ample break-in period.
Please provide your impressions once you have the opportunity of listening both units in your system.
Jwm, You are the one who is per Anonymoustao words "... rarer than hen's teeth" as you own both units. Would you please try to elaborate and put in words how the flavors of the two differ?
Your response is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks Rfogel8. Really helpful. Which one out of the two gives fuller presentation... say for strings/piano? Thanks again.
Thanks Charles1dad.

Another question for Charles1dad , JWM and Rfogel8. Any comments on fan of modwright oppo? Is it audible in a quiet listening room? How often does it kicks in while listening stereo? Not concerned with fan kicking in for movies..

Thanks again for all the helpful responses.
Looks like oppo fan noise is not audible on most BDP 95 players.

There certainly were some complains about the noise.. This link here is one such .. ""

Now, Dan at Modwright via his mod could have fixed it. Or Oppo fixed it for later models! Or it happened on a few faulty units! Who knows?

BUT, good to know that fan noise is a non issue.

Thanks for all the responses which really helped.
Sorry about the Link above. It did not come right... here it is again.
Wig and Zmanastronomy,
Is CV181 interchangeable with 6SN7 in modwright Oppo/Sony?
I know it is not a direct replacement of 6SN7 as Filament Current of CV181 is .9 Amp versus .6 Amp for the 6SN7 and Max Plate Voltage is 300V compared to 450V for the 6SN7 type tube.
I am looking to get a pair of Mullard or Brimar valve.
Thanks for sharing the experience. Would love to know what others have to say about CV181 valve in modwright gear.
Anonymoustao .. you are right on!

Please keep this thread only for modwright sony and oppo players as it provides relevant helpful pointers to optimize these units.

Some great information on tube rolling choices. Really helpful.

While we are discussing optimization I am posting some more questions.. I realize some of these could be system dependent but still can help.

1) MAC umbilical vs Modwright umbilical?

2) Changing the fuse to hifi tuning or audio magic nano liquid? Just wondering if that would make noticeable change.

3) What isolation feet work best?

4) Suggestions on power cord?

5) What does ByBee rail do.. sonically.

6) What does Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX do.. sonically?

Thanks again for all the responses.
Any reason you are considering Bybee rail over Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX (…well other than the obvious price difference between the two)?
Tube rolling question!
Does anyone know the family of analog stage tubes (other than 6sn7) and rectifier tubes (other than gz34) that are compatible with Oppo bdp95 and sony xa5400? Thanks.
To my ears, I preferred Modwright Oppo 95 over Modwright Sony XA5400 in my system (bought both and compared them side by side) . Given the potential of modded Oppo units, I will swing for 105 as this will serve as DAC as well. I liked the openness and sense of increased sound stage of sony unit but liked rest everything in Oppo 95 (rich midrange, body of instruments, imaging etc). Talking to Dan, Oppo 105 is open and detailed like sony while keeping the signature sound of 95. Could be a real winner..
I will get the modded 105 unit mid Feb. Ordered with bybee rail and audio magic pulse gen. Jwm, I am also very I interested in hearing your impressions of 105 compared to 95. Thanks.
So, what 6SN7/rectifier tube is your favorite in Modwright Oppo? How would you rank them?
I liked Sylvania VT231 and Create Audio rectifier in MW oppo 95.
I am wondering if any body compared Shuguang CV181-Z or Psvane CV181-T tubes to popular NOS tubes like TSRP, KenRad, RCA grey, Sylvania 6sn7W etc..
Thanks Jwm and Charles1dad. This is very exciting. How is the base response compared to 95? Let us know how it changes over time..
You are right, Jfz. For 2ch analog out , bybee rail goes for each channel ie L&R. No point putting them for MCH.