ModWright Oppo 83 vs. Denon 4010UD

Has anyone heard the new Denon player? A quick check of pricing places the factory Denon ($ 1549 Delievered) several hundred dollars below the 7 channel modified Oppo
unit. How good is Denon video equal to (or greater/less than) the Oppo? Denon's price point makes it a difficult decision so input from memebers would be greatly appreciated. I have a $ 3,000 modified Denon 3910 which is nearing obsolescence and I would like to find a replacement that will be video compatible and able to play all sonic formats well for the next few years.
RAM of Riverside does a mod on the oppo that is incredible the sound wiil blow most decks away good luck Rich
I have a modified Denon 5910ci and a stock Oppo 83. The Oppo is a great player regardless of price. Can't imagine what it will sound like and look like after mods. It does not hold a candle to the modded 5910 but I think the Oppo would crush the stock Denon 5910 in terms of sound quality.Probably the same in standard dvd as well. It is that good! The Oppo is not your typical $499 player.