Modwright Oppo 105

I received my Modwright Oppo 105 today. It sounds good, but is relatively lean - and not very extended - in the bass. The sound overall is missing a fullness and organic quality that I associate with tubes as well. I have been using an Exemplar modified Denon 3910 for years, and so far I prefer it. Naturally, I am quite surprised and disappointed so far. I will be patient and put more hours on it, of course. I am very familiar with "break-in." Dan burned it in for 72 hours or more, but I have only put another 5 hours or so on it so far.

Has anyone else had this reaction/experience? Maybe it is the Electro-Harmonix tubes, and I need to try something else? I am also wondering about Dan's use of silver wiring. Thanks for any thoughts you have.


Showing 1 response by doggiehowser

If my Modwright LS100 was any indication, I'd say Dan's designs are not meant to sound like the traditional tube warmth, similar to the way the new Conrad Johnson and Audio Research gear are. They all have a bit of midrange lushness and 3 dimensionality but they are fast and dynamic and detailed.

The Modwright IMHO is the warmest of the 3 preamps I compared (CJ GAT and ARC Ref5SE)