Modifying Crossovers

I just read a post about changing resistors and caps in the new Borresen X3 speakers. I am curious why there is interest in changing the components in a brand new speaker. I also am curious if it would make them better than why didn’t the designers put a better component in the first place. Just a thought and scratching my head. Have a great day.


Showing 1 response by parnelligq

It's not wrong to want to eek out more performance from current or new speakers. Adding components of higher quality may make no noticeable difference or maybe it will be fabulous. If you are so inclined you might actually decide that your improvements may breathe new life into your already trusted system to the point that you don't feel the need to make a major purchase. If I'm thinking of some new speakers why would I not at least consider upgrading what I already have. To me it makes fiscal sence. I will also learn another how to. For me this should at least be considered.