Modern Linestages

This is a general question about how complex and expensive some linestages have become. I'm looking to understand why? I can grasp that really good volume controls are complicated and that equally good switches are not inexpensive. I also have a general understanding of the importance of a high quality power supply, which again is not going to come cheap. I just don't comprehend how you get to a 50lbs. plus preamps that cost well over $20k. Is this level of complexity really needed or is it the equivalent of the spate of 500hp "sedans" for every day driving?

Showing 13 responses by knghifi

Onhwy61, haven't we visited this issue before?? What a manufacturer charged has nothing to do with cost of production. They will charge whatever someone is willing to pay for it.

If it cost $.01 to produce and supply is low but demand is high, they can charge as much as the market is willing to pay. SIMPLE!
Is it only a matter of time before someone releases an 8 chassis linestage weighing 300 lbs. and costings $150,000. And I'm sure some will say that's progress.
So what, it's not your $$. As long the seller and buyer are satisfied with the transaction, why do you care??

The idea that the manufacturers of these products are charging "what the market will bear" is somewhat insulting to the people who buy these products.
No, it's personal responsibility. CAVEAT EMPTOR!! Noone is forcing anyone to make the purchase. If they are satisfied with the purchase, then it's not insulting to them.

Onhwy61, I think you just don't understand free market and capitalism and is stuck in the weeds. We just go round and round in these same old threads periodically.

Swampwalker, I agree with you the preamp is the heart of a system. I was playing around with different combinations of components and found the common denominator to magic is when my preamp in the chain.
I agree with Charles1dad, yes in theory ... I bought a LSA for the summer. Use 1 week when new and 4 days 2 weeks ago and back in the box it goes. Miss my active, LSA is good but just doesn't pull me into the music, not by a long shot.
08-21-11: Inna
" Make everything as expensive as possible and sell it to the fools "
Inna (Threads | Answers | This Thread)
I choose to live in a society/system with the option to be the "fool" ... freedom, independence, personal responsibilities ... opportunities.
Onhwy61, you don't have to be sorry but if you are still confuse, then you are beyond my ability ... out of bullets. Good luck!
08-30-11: Pubul57
True, it is not infinitely elastic, but it can stretch pretty far, why you often seen 10 different tiers of cables running from $3/ft to $3,000/ft - you just never know how much demand there might be to have the very, very, very, absolutely very best.
Pubul57 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
This could be the reason Magico is raising prices on the new Q series speakers. Probably miscalculating the high demand? or/both price increase of Al.
08-25-11: Onhwy61
Atmasphere, thanks for taking a try at my question. I realize it is not a trivial inquiry. I find it refreshing that while you design what I consider a very expensive expensive linestage that you don't see any technical or sonic need to come out with an ultra expensive product.
It's actually a very trivial question. A manufacturer will charge whatever the market will bear. It has nothing to do with design, manufacturer cost ... as long as there is demand for whatever reason.

I remember when Mazda Miata was introduced, there was very high demand. There were HUGE dealer mark up, people were trading in their BMW convertibles ... Is the Miata manufacturer cost higher than BMW?, probably NOT, a better car than BMW, IMO a big NOT ... just a bunch of suckers got caught up in the hype and willing to pay big $$.
08-25-11: Clio09

Its my opinion that its a Bad Idea to use synergies, for example using a dark preamp to go with a bright source. What you wind up with is additional distortions and you can't get it to sound like real music.

You also wind up flushing huge amounts of $$$ down the loo.

Thanks Ralph, I wish I could have expressed my thoughts as coherently as you just did.
Clio09 (System | Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
IMO, the conclusion is TRUE only when there is a consensus what is correct, desireable ... another words, a BEST. What one perceive is dark could be open to another. What is neutral? No 2 components sound the same. This is the reason there are more than ONE manufacturer of any component and each claim they are the BEST / correct.
Onhwy61, Not unexpected. Didn't think you would understand. Thanks for the advice.
08-30-11: Pubul57
Because some art is an investment grade asset driven by the psychologogy of scarcity creating "value", and a marketplace with enough buyers for whom having enough money is a small concern. Spending $1,000,000 to get $2,000,000 five years later for some dried paint doesn't seem irrational, though perhaps inexplicable. Though there does not seem to be a correlation between complexity and simplicity and the price of art, unlike some "modern" linestages.
Pubul57 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
It's the same free market and capitalistic "COMMON SENSE" principles whether it's automobiles, line stage, paintings ... The price is ultimately driven by demand for purchases made for investment or personal enjoyment.
If price rises, demand will decrease. There are fewer buyers that can afford it no matter how much status it bring you. If you can't afford it, you can't afford it.
Doesn't matter how far it stretches, it still obeys the supply, demand and price principle.
This is our flagship amplifier. I had the idea of 'something' for a long time but it was pretty nebulous. But along came a customer that wanted something beyond our MA-2s, and was willing (he said) to wait, **but also to pay for it**.
If anyone is still CONFUSE, there's NO hope.