Modding the PS Audio Directstream DAC MK1 and MK2

I would like to continue discussing all the mods we have created for these two DAC's as it seems PS Audio is no longer allowing discussions about them on their forum.

For reference here is a link to the closed discussion.


Oh, I just realized, it's not APS transformers less sensitive to power supplies. It's Vocm mod makes any transformers less sensitive to power supplies.

But, anyway, I can still hear the difference between power supplies, power cords, and interconnects. 

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"You could be right if you weren’t wrong. I have a dedicated streamer."


I believe you told us you are using a Bridge II board.


"And as I've told it before (I think, I did on PS Audio forum), with a dedicated PSU for analog board, the Bridge card gets better power, and it doesn't spoil the sound of the DAC anymore (okay, not as much as it did before)."

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