Modding Synergistic Research MPC to Galileo status

I recently had the good fortune of upgrading my stock Synergistic Research MPCs closer to Galileo Status by the help of a friend who is inclined to do such work.

He replaces the Synergistic MPC's four cheap, general purpose 1 amp rectifier diodes with four ultra fast, soft recovery IXYS rectifier diodes and the 470uf 50 volt dirt cheap chinese electrolytic cap with a 680uf Panasonic FM extremely low impedance, high ripple current, long life (7000 hrs). It is now a super low noise power supply.

This mod provides better shielding to Synergistic Research cables resulting in more transparency, blacker backgrounds, increased detail and warmth with even lower noise floor than stock MPCs.

I was really taken aback by the improvements mentioned above. When considering the cost of a Galileo MPC, this mod is a downright bargain.

The cost of this mod will be $40-50. I can provide contact information for additional questions regarding components and price.
Hello Sabai,
Wow - Not sure what you mean by Bybee accessories? I'm thinking about including Bybee Rails on a ModWright Oppo 105D.

Anyway, I use SR for power distribution as well as the Galileo Speaker Cells and couldn't be more pleased!!!

Can you be more specific in your comparisons?


I got much better results with Bybee accessories than with the SR speaker cells. You might want to look into their products. I am not connected in any way with them, by the way, except as a happy customer.
Hello Michael,
I recently purchased Universal Speaker Cells and have two standard SR MPC's which I'd like to have modded if you are stil doing this work. I am familiar with the Galileo MPCs as I have a dual on on my Powercell MKII. Please provide contact information. Thanks in advance - twochanneldave
I am not a technician then a stupid question: why do not replace the MPC by a 30v DC laboratory supply ?
If you get the right cabling you do not need all this complicated and expensive active shielding. It is a big money maker for the manufacturer but, contrary to the maker's claims, it can be totally avoided with the right cables -- from a different company.
I recently had my three MPCs upgraded by Michael for my Synergistic cables (Tesla T2 Power, Resolution Reference MK II XLR, Signature Ten Speaker cables). Immediately after connecting them I knew I was in for a great ride in my listening experience. After 1 week the sound was transformed to a level I never experienced before in my system, tighter bass, more air between the instruments. I continued to listen daily and after the three week burn in period I was in audiophile heaven. Jeff Hamilton drum licks on the Diana Krall Live in Paris, track 7 Devil May Care is so real I was immediately drawn into the performance.
Michael Spallone upgrade is definitely highly recommended by me.
Jeff, Dave, & all, thanks so much for the kind words. I started out this mod to help me achieve even greater enjoyment from all of my own SR active shielded cables, for not a lot of money. Then I figured, why not offer my services to all of you SR active cable owners. Thanks again for all the kind words and great word of mouth.
Davea33, yes I hear that cd is amazing. I've checked out video of them on YouTube in Japan, I assume it's the same stuff. Also, what cables are you using the modded MPCs on? I have them on interconnects, power cords and speaker cables. Basically, everything.
I've seen Rodrigo Y Gabriela in concert twice. Their 'Live in Japan' CD is spectacular. With the MPC mods I could more easily visualize the guitar playing. This essentially the effect of when I say 'more space' and '3D'.

I'm hesitant to say this as there are so many cable manufacturers, opinions and system synergy is critical; however purchasing a used SR cable and then getting this tweak done for $50 could be very cost effective to improving a system. I say that as prior to the MPC upgrade I was looking to purchase a power conditioner. I still may, but the bar has been raised considerable after this change and is not as important to me now.
I recently had my older(2006) MPC upgraded by Michael and my only thought is what a tremendous bargain. My cables are the SR Resolution Reference FX X2 speaker cables and the difference nothing short of total transformation they went from nice cables to great. The major upgrade total soundstage with detail and blackhole type background.The Nat King Cole Christmas cd went from a diffused nice warm sound to details beyond belief with rich individual vocals and instrument placement that is on par with the best. I would suggest you contact Michael before every SR owner sends their MPC in for upgrading ahead of you. Some of the best dollars I ever spent on my Audio habit bar none.
Davea33, you said it. You can hear more "space" around instruments and music is more three dimensional. It's amazing what this mod does to already great SR cables. By the way, a buddy of mine turned me on to Rodrigo Y Gabriela a few months ago and I was absolutely blown away. They are truly outstanding musicians and their guitar playing is simply beautiful. My same friend saw them live a couple of months ago. Of course, they were amazing, he said. Go on YouTube and check out their cover of Stairway to Heaven and some videos with Robert Trujillo. They are big Metallica fans too. They cover Master of Puppets and One as well.
I just had three MPC's upgraded by Michael. The service was top notch. As people have already mentioned I can hear more decay in instruments and space around them. The music is more 3 dimensional than before. CDs that are well recorded and have a lot going on shine. In particular string instruments really come alive. Rodrigo Y Gabriela really comes alive on my system. This tweak is the best value for the money I have done. Thank you Michael.
Just wanted to put my two cents in....A friend of mine was curious about how Michael's modified MPCs would sound in his system so I loaned mine out to him. I've been using the stock MPCs for two weeks now. The air around voices and instruments that I've been so accustomed to is now gone. The transparency I had now sounds like a veil is covering the speakers. I don't hear nearly as much fine, inner detail as I did before due to the raising of the noise floor. What a difference not having the modded MPCs sounds like compared to having them in the system. Joe, if you're reading this: I WANT THEM BACK ASAP.
The system has not been used since I got the MPCs back for some other repair mods going on. Hopefully in the next week or two I'll have everything up and running. As of now I am commenting on the service and the cost of the mod comparing to getting a replacement.
Michael S service is beyond A+. I sent both my SR MPCs out on a Wednesday and had them back by the following Tuesday. I had them both upgraded and the fuse repaired for less than the cost of purchasing a replacement for the one that was burned out. Great communication with emails just about everyday and tracking number update provided upon return delivery.
Well, regarding the difference with the mod BEFORE break in compared to AFTER break in, the blacks got blacker, backgrounds got quieter, more "air" around voices and instruments. Now, this difference wasn't as if I changed an amp or other component, but it was there.
Devilboy, I have not heard any changes over time but I also have changed my system around lately so it's hard to tell. I am sending 2 more MPCs to Mike for mod this week. I will try to pay attention this time to see if anything changes. What is your experience?
Tboooe, just wondering if you've noticed a change once the MPC had some additional hours on it.
Tboooe, you have nothing to worry about. The "7,000 hour" rating you're concerned with reflects EXTREME conditions in the factory that are never really duplicated in the real world. Under the day to day usage of the MPCs, we don't remotely begin to approach the manner in which the device was tested to ensure reliability.
Devilboy, you mentioned that the cap has a life of 7000 hours which only equates to 292 days of the MPC is left plugged in 24/7. Therefore, should the MPC be powered off when not in use?
Just wanted to provide an update...I got my MPC back yesterday. First of all, Michael was great to deal with and worked hard to get my MPC back to me quickly. My immediate impressions of the upgrade is definitely positive. The improvements though subtle are impressive. The background got blacker, there is better audible distinction between instruments, and highs seem to linger in the air longer. Overall it is as if I am hearing more of the subtleties that is present in the recording. For anyone with SR cables I highly recommend this. This has to be one of the best improvements I have ever done to my system. This ranks up there with the addition of an AC regenerator. For $50 its an absolute no brainer.
Based the overwhelming feedback on this thread I just sent my MPC from a Tungsten power cable to Mike for modding. Btw, listening now without the MPC and the sound is too bright! After only about 1 hr and I am getting a little pain in my ears which hasn't happened before. My MPC can't get back soon enough!
Crubio, Depending on how much time your stock SR MPCs have seen in the field, due to age, a diode or cap may have failed, in which case my modification would fix that automatically, and would absolutely make the MPC sound night and day better!
However, another possibility could be that, again due to age, you have a thermal cutoff that opened. This part is like a small fuse located just below the surface of the MPCs transformer primary windings. It is in series with the incoming AC to protect the transformer windings themselves from opening. This part replacement may also get your stock SR MPC functioning again. However, I will only replace the thermal cutoff, if needed, with my modification. All the best.

I have several MPC which stopped working, not from abuse, just expired. Any ideas as to why they sometimes stop working and how to bring them back to life? Could this mod solve the problem and make them better?

A friend brought his modded MPC's over to my house and we compared them with my stock versions in my system. Totally agree with what everyone is reporting. It was literally night and day. Right in front of our eyes the system came much more alive and completely eliminated the hint of brightness that we heard with the stock. I sent mines off to Michael last week and when I get back from a trip they'll be waiting for me. Can't wait. Thanks Michael.
Michael did the mod to my T3 MPC connected to a tube power amp. Lower noise floor, much better highs and less glare. I can't say if it's equal to the Galileo but don't have any desire to compare them now.
I would like to apologize to the community for any confusion as to who the OP was on this thread. It was I, Devilboy, not MichaelSpallone. I contacted Audiogon asking why and how this could have happened and expressing concern as to members being confused about who wrote the post. Basically, they said it was a "glitch", explaining that it must have happened while I had a "cookie" opened in the system while communicating with Michael via email. Frankly it's all a little too bizarre. So everyone, I would like to apologize once more for Audiogon's mistake and also for any confusion this may have caused.
I took a flyer on Michael's mod for the MPC attached to the Tranquility Basik platform. At the price I wouldn't be bothered if the mod didn't work as well for this application as it did for cables. I was pleasantly surprised by the increase in transparency and air so had the 2 MPCs for my Hologram A and D power cables modded to the same result combined with more "you are there" to the sonic picture. Thanks to Ted for designing such innovative products and to Michael for taking one of them to a higher level at a reasonable price.
Very cost effictive upgrade to your original mpc's.Everything that was there with the stock ones is now if you will more enhanced in every area.Soundstage,depth,cleaner highs,better bottom end.In my opinion all this due to an improved noise floor.Once again my thanks to Michael for such an outstanding job.
The Michaelspallone mod is sounding so wonderful on my Tesla T2 SE, so far ahead of the stock MPC it's ridiculous. I'm awaiting arrival of an Element Tungsten SE and can't wait to put the modded MPC on it. I can't believe it's going to get even better than what I'm hearing now.
One other point I wanted to stress, even though devilboy mentions it in his opening post, is that the tremendous sonic results I am achieving modifying stock SR MPCs, comes from replacing the 4 active diodes to IXYS ultra fast soft recovery types, and the one passive electrolytic capacitor to an extremely low impedance Panasonic FM. This is where I have found all the sonic improvement I am hearing to come from!!
A SIGNIFICANT aspect of improved performance by simply point to point hardwiring such a small power supply instead of using the tiny PC board?? I think not! Ted & I will just have to agree to disagree!
BTW I believe SRs brilliant method of Bi-Wiring is called IFT not ITF as I mistakenly wrote in my previous post, I apologize!
Ted, thanks for joining in. I did in fact at one point try hardwiring, and removed the small PC board and hardwired my IXYS diodes and Panasonic FM Cap to the secondary windings in an early modified version, but because of larger physical size and the radial leads of the components I use, simply could not comfortably fit inside the MPC enclosure. Even so, I heard minimal if any improvement. I have simply never heard great improvement in hardwiring power supplies as you have described, especially when dealing with such a small 1.5 inch by 1 inch sized PC board with only a few solder points.
I HAVE however heard tremendous improvement when one hardwires SIGNAL carrying wires, such as hardwiring loudspeaker crossovers, interconnect cables inside components avoiding chassis mount RCA connectors, and hardwiring loudspeaker cables to avoid using binding posts, etc. Your brilliant ITF Bi-Wire idea would fall into this signal carrying hardwire category, eliminating a connector and solder connection. Thanks, Michael Spallone
You may want to try going to point-to-point wring and ditching the circuit board as we do in the Galileo MPC. This modification alone is a significant aspect of the improved performance of the Galileo MPC; that and Quantum Tunneling both winds of the transformer, the high speed diodes, and the lead wires that connect an MPC to an Active Synergistic Research product.

Oh, we also Quantum Tunnel the Syenrgistic Research capacitor that we specifically developed and voiced for the Galileo MPC.

As with all Synergistic Research products the Galileo MPC is available for in home audition.

Yours in music,
Ted Denney
Lead Designer, Synergistic Research Inc.
Cool! I will be doing this mod as soon as I get my Tungsten power cable. Also good info about plugging it into my PS Audio P3 AC regenerator.
Devilboy, I must correct you on one thing, to be fair the list price of a SR Galileo MPC is not $450.00 its $399.00. However, you are correct in that it is way overpriced for what's inside. Four ordinary 1 amp schottky high speed rectifier diodes, an axial lead electrolytic cap of unknown origin with their logo on it, all hot glued in place, does not add up to $399.00 no matter how much quantum tunneling is performed!
My modification to your stock SR MPCs got you there for less than 1/8th the price, as you well know! You will not find a better sonic improvement option for Synergistic Research active cable owners with stock MPCs! BTW I sold my Galileo MPC a few days ago. No longer needed!
How right you are Nmmusicman. I am using an ExactPower EP15A with the M.S. modified MPC and it is really a match made in heaven. Why anyone would pay for the Galileo MPC is beyond me. For anyone on the fence about doing this, open up the Galileo MPC and take a look at what Synergistic is charging $450 for. The Galileo is a great MPC, but considering that the same performance can be achieved for 1/8th the price makes it a no-brainer to get Micheal's mod.
I too can attest to the stock MPC to the Galileo MPC upgrade and to the attributes that Devilboy describes and would like to add that any attempt to solidify the stability of the power supplied to the MPC(s) is very worthwhile.

I started off with using balanced power for the MPC power strip and then found that regenerated AC power really boosted the MPC's performance resulting in an improved image/soundstage solidity along with increased bass agility and high frequency purity.

Using unbalanced power with the Galileo MPC's is a major step up from the stock MPC's and using regenerated AC power for the Galileo MPC's is an even bigger step up akin to going from the stock MPC's to the Galileo's.

If you ever get the chance, try to hear your SR MPC's whether stock, modified or the Galileo upgrade powered by regenerated AC power. Your jaw will drop :-)

Glad you like the mods. Makes it a no-brainer for anyone considering the "quantum" leap to the Galileo MPC.
I can attest to this mod. Everything Devilboy says about the upgrade has been my experience, as well. I also recently had three of my MPCs modded and the improvement was quite dramatic. In fact, I plan to get more of them done.