Mod for Sony SCD-1 or Different Player?

So it's possibly upgrade time and my system is shuffling around. I'm planning on a Pathos Logos or Inpol2 (depending on funds, and how much I like the new Sim i-7 or the BAT VK-300XSE) to mate with my Totem Forests, and at some point want to upgrade my Sony SCD-1. I'm debating over whether to go the mod route, or to get a different player alltogether. I love the sony's build quality, and the SACD is great as it stands, but the redbook playback is a little thin, and the load time is kind of a drag.

I'm probably (re)opening what is a can of worms here, but what do you guys think? I own some SACD titles, but do most of my listening in redbook. I'd like to keep it under a grand for the time being (but would love to hear about more expensive options).

For you SCD-1 loyals, what mods do you recommend (I'm assuming modwright will be in there somewhere) and what can I expect for redbook playback improvement?

Otherwise, if I decide to sell the Sony, what would be a good mate for the above setup (using Analysis plus cables and listening to all types of music) within the 2-3 grand range?

Thanks for your help guys (and gals).

Showing 1 response by stehno

To a certain degree, I agree with Tvad. In it's stock form, the SCD-1 is no slouch.

For the same money, I'd first look at possible line conditioners, new ics, new speaker cables, and vibration control for all your equipment and speakers.

Thus you are able to leave your SCD-1 in its stock form (for now) while potentially realizing some excellent sonic gains throughout your system.