Mobile Fidelity 24k CDs

Ok soooo here’s my question. Since I upped my amps to the ARC Ref 750s and my ARC Ref 6 to 6 SE. I have been thinking of buying a lot of the Mobile Fidelity 24k cds. What are you guys opinions on them as far as betting sound quality than the standard CDs. Some of them are going for a few hundred. But a lot range from about 40 and up to 400. Now I really don’t plan to send over 100. But even when u are starting to buy a bunch even at 40 to 80$ they really start adding up big time. Oh btw I also have a Rega ISIS CDP that I absolutely love. I don’t do LPs and I don’t stream never wanted to and never will. Not my thing. For the guys that know alot about those Mo Fi 24k CDs please let me here ur options on them good or bad. 

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Showing 3 responses by 68pete


Pose the question over at PS AUDIO Paul might be better at a answer.

Esoteric makes a SACD/CD players that will read what ever layer you tell it to read. SACDs our a hit and miss some sound better than red book CD and others do not. You can listen to the red book layer then change to the SACD layer and pick what sounds better to you. I do not believe the Esoteric player will change on the fly. You have to go into the menu and make the changes.


SACD decoding is owned by Sony. I believe original for multi track-(movies). I would think that the SACD would be better, but it really comes down to the original recording. I think the gold plated CDs are suppose to be a step above the original red book CDs. But i could be wrong????When SACD is done right it is very good. I think it will come down to your equipment and ears. More on SACD here