MNPCTech footers?

Any forum members have experience/opinions on the sound quality impact of turntable footers made by a Minnesota company called, "MNPCTech"? I saw a cursory (favorable) mention of them in an older Michael Fremer column. I'm asking because I ordered a set for my VPI HW-19 turntable (to replace the first-generation TipToes secured and further isolated with Blue Tac putty) and received them recently. They appear very well made but I haven't formed an opinion on their sonic impact as yet, mostly due to the fact that I replaced my speaker cables (Kimber) and speakers (Vandersteen 2C with Magnepan LRS) and the new equipment isn't yet broken-in. Thoughts and perspectives welcomed, please!

Showing 1 response by uberwaltz

The Gaia III set have been doing duty under the base of my Nottingham Analogue Spacedeck for a couple months now after reading Fremers column and a post or two from bdp24.

For $199 I am impressed!

Very easy to level, I was tempted to just use 3 which would make levelling even easier but as I had all four , installed one under each corner of the base. This involved me drilling and tapping the base for quarter/ twenty but not too arduous a task.

Supremely easy to level and very effective at damping out any vibration total.

A little more air and definition was noticed, the stage did appear to open up some more too.

Fit and forget and unless I sell the TT will not be coming off anytime soon.