MM or MI Cartridge?

Currently using an SPU Royal N with a Viv Labs 9" and Kuzma Stabi R, and I am looking for a great Moving Magnet or Moving Iron Cartridge that I won't feel short changed by.

A couple of options I am looking at are the Grado Reference "The Reference" Wood 2 and the Audio Note IQ3, has anyone had the opportunity to compare these cartridges, and any other options I should consider that you have heard against either of these cartridges?


Showing 1 response by rauliruegas

Dear @lewm : Agree, inductance is not what inherently makes the differences between MC/MI/MM.


Like you I own and owned several of those 3 cartridge categories and I found out 2 distinctive characteristics during playing in favor of LOMC: transient response " speed " and low bass quality that’s tight/tied with lower over-hang and better definition.

Some of the best vintage/today MM/MI are really close to those LOMC characteristics but not at the same level that makes the differences in favor of the MUSIC.

MM/MI cartridges have a disadvantage against LOMC cartriidges that is that normally phono stage designs are designed with the LOMC in the designer minds not for MM/MI cartridges where the needs for these cartridges are really different and almost no today phono stages can fulfill it and not only because the units did not comes with the load capicitance and impedance alternatives it to fulfill each single MM/MI models but for the input gain stage .

In the phono stages that can handled both kind of designs the manufacturer treats the MM/MI option as a " side line " been the main target the LOMC facilities.

I still own 2 vintage Grado cartridges from where comes the today Epoch3 and can’t even those 2 LOMC characteristics I mentioned before. Yes, sounds really good those Grado’s and overall it depends on the owner MUSIC/sound priorities but at the end those two differences persist if we have the " rigth " rig to be aware about or interested on those characteristics level quality performance.


Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
