MM or MC cartridge for Mm input on Preamp

I have a MM input available on my Manley Steelhead and wonder that a MM or high out MC cartridge should fit in this input. 
Any recommendation or opinion is appreciated. 
Thanks in Advance. 


What cartridge are you using that only puts out .01 mV? There are not too many where the output is that low. Also a very important factor is how are you using the Steelhead? If you use it add as a phono stage with an outboard line stage, then you add the gain afforded by the linestage to your total gain. The steelhead can also be used as a full function Preamplifier, but when you use it that way its own internal linestage does not add gain to the signal. So if you are using the 65 DB setting for a very low output cartridge, that is all you are going to get , and the output voltage from the linestage section has to be sufficient to drive your amplifier. 65 DB of gain would be very marginal indeed for a .01 mV cartridge. It would be in a comfortable range for a 0.25 to 0.3 mV cartridge, in most cases. The gain requirement is fairly dependent on the input and output impedances of the devices you are linking together, the sensitivity of the amplifier for full output, and finally the sensitivity of the speakers themselves. So each of us might have a different impression of how much gain is needed for a particular cartridge, because of differences in the downstream equipment, Particularly if you are using an outboard linestage that may add 10 DB to as much as 20 DB additional gain to the signal coming from the steelhead.

I am laughing at myself a bit for not realizing that you must have meant 0.1 mV. There are no cartridges I know of that have an output of only .01 mV. My orto phon MC 2000 is one of the lowest output moving coil cartridges ever made, and it puts out .05 mV.

@Lewm, thank you for sharing your knowledge. I use steelhead as phono function only since it does not have a remote. With that being  said, steelhead is connected to a integrated amp. 

Presumably the linestage section of your integrated adds gain to the max of 65 db gain you can get from the Steelhead. Incidentally don’t you have a remote for volume with your steelhead? Mine does. But it doesn’t control input, etc.


I dont have a remote on my steelhead. i feel that its line stage is not my taste so that is the reason why i connect it to another pre and volume remote control is big of the deal for me.

By any chance, have you ever had or experienced Audiocraft AC3300 tone arm?