MM, MC, or MI cartridge

Can somebody briefly describe the difference in the sonic characteristics of these types of cartridge, if possible?

I’ve never had a MC and I’m wondering what difference it would make.


Showing 2 responses by kinross

Interesting discusion. Just to add the J. Grado, who developed and patented the first MC cartridges, ditched that design for MI. Some of the subsequent Grado MI cartridges, amongst others, sound fabulous - great detail retreival,PRAT,  wonderful tracking and are virtually silent - provided you have the right turntable and can avoid transformer hum.


My personal preference is MI - I have had various MC cartridges with good phono stages and have struggled to get the rich tonality and PRAT that I prefer. The most recent MC cartridge was a Kiseki Purple Heart which everyone said was a  great cartridge with rich tonality - I found it shrill in the high frequencies - an aspect I have found with other MC cartridges and has been commented on in hifi press. Currently have a Grado MI cartridge and am delighted to have found the sound I like with great silent tracking - for me MI is a hybrid between the richness of MM and the detail of MC.