MM cartridges and capacitance

Can someone explain to me why an MM cartridge would "want" to see more than the minimum possible level of capacitance loading?

This question is provoked by a lot of commentary on "that" "MMs are great" thread, and a question someone just asked, and the fact that I have two phono stages (granted, older Japanese stages) which have multiple capacitance settings and I have never gotten a "better" result from being at the high end rather than the low end. In many cases, it doesn't seem to make a difference, but so far I have not gotten an improvement from raising the capacitance setting.

Showing 1 response by jb0194

Perhaps a naive question:

If "higher than standard 47k" capacitance was known to optimize frequency response by an MM cart's designers, wouldn't they have included that higher capacitance value in the spec sheet for that cart?

I use MMs almost exclusively and find these discussions most informative, though I've no simple and reliable means to increase the capacitance loading via my MM phono stage.