Sgr, the Proceed was thoroughly upgraded by Madrigal 1/03, with a receipt outlining all the hours and parts that went into it, incl a whole new drive ass'y and support pieces. Two different customer support techs at Madrigal told me that this drive unit is now shared with CDD/37/39/390s, as there are fewer options to choose from, and all these units share the same block diagram/architecture. Looking at the insides of the CDD and 37 show many shared parts and circuit elements, incl power supply and clocking. The 37 and CDD were designed in parallel in '95, and even the current 390s uses essentially the same transport. The big diff is in the chintzy Proceed chassis and front panel, and some feature omissions and cheaper parts - and even then this was a $2500 transport, so not chump change. No beef against ML, just that I didn't want to spend the extra $ for the cache, resale, packaging and perhaps 5% (??) better sonics.
I likewise have 30 years into this hobby, and wanted to hear what a well-designed transport sounded like driving a well-regarded DAC. After more listening the CDD DOES sound better than my other CDPs, but not as much a sonic near-transformation as the Denon DVD-2900 digital outs provided. Perhaps like yourself, and as an EE, I too have to reconcile the packaging and engineering inside a good high-end piece vs the actual sound. And sometimes I get a rude surprise that something that shouldn't sound better does...