ML Aerius/room tweak

I use the Aerius in a rather large room (30x20x13). The room interaction was producing a +6 to 8 dB peak between 4K and 8Khz. Most of the room acoustic tweaks I'd read about were for the lower end of the spectrum. Recently, I bought some acoustic foam to see if it would help. Until I figure out where to place it, I thought i'd just lean it against the back of the speaker (behind the electrostat). I noticed a change in the sound and measured that the peak was no longer there. Has anyone else tried this?

I'm now debating whether I should just cut the 2'x3' foam to the same width as the ML and just leave it leaning against the back of the speaker (vs. mounting on stand/wall). Any thoughts? What else do I need to consider? I am a newby at this and would welcome any help.

I also removed the woofers on the ML and replaced them after adding speaker putty for improved sealing. This seems to have improved the bass (I have not measured yet) -- or it may just be the case of "experimenter's expectancy"

Are there any other common tweaks for the Aerius? I have the speaker cookbook on order. I am thinking of altering the stuffing to see how that changes the performance of the speaker in the environment that it is now.

Thanks in advance.


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Have you tried the acoustic foam at the first reflection point on the side wall? That will likely give you a near flat response and won't destroy the reflected waves from the rear of the speaker. In order to create the electrostatic magic, you really need those rear reflected waves (but not the side reflected waves). Ceiling reflections can also be an issue, but work on the side reflections first.