ML Aerius I and Mcintosh


I just went from Klipsch 3.4 to Martin Logan Aerius speakers and ML's sound flat in highs and lows and no dynamics.
My system as fallows:
Mcintosh C-26 preamp
Mcintosh MC2105 amp
Acoustic Zen Satori cable
I didn't change power cables on ML's.

is there anything i can do to improve the sound ?

Showing 1 response by steelhead

Moving from Klipsch to ML is a big change in sound.

I owned Klipsch LaScala's and ML ReQuest's at the same time and have a lot of time in front of both speakers. For dynamics the Klipsch are in another league than the logans. However, the highs were beautiful and airy and within 95-100 db the ReQuests were better to my ears. For lows the ReQuests needed power but could not match the impact and dynamics of Klipsch.

I do not know your mac gear but it should be fine for your aerius. I was very impressed when I first heard the aerius and that was my introduction to logans.

You just might not be a stat fan. Give them some time and DEFINITELY play with positioning, toe-in/out, and moving the logans closer together or farther apart. It can make quite a difference in sound.

If you listen to primarily rock you might be better served by a company like Klipsch.

Have Fun.