ML 33h vs 33 vs A-50V on Mbl 101E

Hello Audiogoners,
I am interested in a comparison between the Mark Levinson ML 33h vs the ML 33 vs Accuphase A-50V (bridged in mono mode) to power a pair of mbl 101E loudspeakers. I don't listen too loud (usually 75db, 85db at times but never above 95db) but control is important (all the above amps have beefy specs so seems they will all be fine). I am more interested in sound quality, so if you could rank these three amplifiers on a scale of 1 to 10 (1-being poor, 10-being outstanding), on the following attributes;
1. Transparency
2. Detail
3. Musicality
4. Mid bass power
5. Overall presentation up to 50-w per channel (remember, I don't listen loud)
6. Stage depth
The first three attributes are the most important to me. My room is roughly 22'X29'X10'. System is Mbl preamp and front ends and 20-amp dedicated circuits for the amps and pre. Please remember that the comparison is in powering the mbl 101E. Direct experiences are most highly regarded, individual experiences will be considered. Thank you all in advance for your reply.

I haven't heard either of the ML 33 or the 33H, hence my need of feedback from people with experience with both. What are the real sonic difference between both?
I also thought that because I will power the subwoofer with separately, I may not need the extra power of the ML 33 over the ML 33H, but the melon (football like mid bass driver) is the real magic in the mbl 101, IMHO. But I am not sure if the bass control that the ML 33 has over the ML 33H is applicable to the melon (mid bass driver). Do you happen to know the answer to that last concern? Your response to this, and the previous post, will be greatly appreciated hk_fan.
The 33 is just better in every way than the 33h from my recollection. I think you'd be smitten with either, but if you're considering the two and budget isn't a concern, then go with the 33's otherwise you will always be wondering...