ML 32 or CJ ART for ML 33H

A very simple question: what would the Audiogon audience prefer as the best match for the Mark Levinson 33H Power Amplifier? The Mark Levinson Reference No. 32 or the Conrad-Johnson ART? The only criterion is "musicality". I listen 90% to classic and 10% jazz.

Showing 1 response by mikelavigne

i use the ml #32 with the ml #33 monoblocks. 6 months ago i upgraded from the #33h to the #33. i have been very happy with the #32 and think it has a special synergy with both the #33h and #33. the #32 is a remarkable piece of equipment; bullet-proof and beautiful sounding. i don't think it gives up anything to the tube preamps listed above IMHO.

btw, the #33 are an amazing improvement over the great-sounding #33h.

mike lavigne