Mitsubishi DLP problem

If anyone knows what this might be...

I am getting Horizontal lines that run up or down the screen of my Mitsubishi DLP TV. This only happens on any input other than HDMI. With an HDMI source(be it the cable box or dvd player or laptop) the picture is clear. I have tried 3 component sources, 2 dvd player and a cable box, and all display same problem. The effect is similar to a magnetic interference you would get with a tube television if you place something that causes magentic field distortion(unshielded speaker for example).

I suspect the processor or converter or chip or whatever it is called in the DLP tv, is going, or on its way.

Any thoughts?


Showing 3 responses by gmood1

Do you mean light engine? This can be very expensive, making it actually not worth repairing. Not sure of your model, but I know some light engines in the Mits can be as much as $1800 with labor.The bulk of the cost being the light engine itself unless under warranty. In most cases a new TV is a better investment.
Yeah Jim...The Mits DLPs have a history of this for some reason. A local Gold's GYM bought 27 of them roughly 3 years ago. They were trying to save money so opted out of buying Sony LCD flat panels instead. Well in the last 6 months 13 of them have crapped out with bad light engines!

Guess what..they still in the end bought those Sony LCDs. And will continue to buy them until the last Mits goes out.

Not much money saved this way long term,actually none.If they'd bought the Sony's from the start, chances are all would still be functioning now.
Count your lucky stars on that one then!lol
I've seen Mitsubishi give customers credit towards another TV. Their customer service is pretty darn good most of the time.

I've also seen a few people that got new light engines and were back in less than 6 months with another failure! Talking about pissed off!! The worst part is their warranty had expired by that time.

In a few cases, the dealer was able to talk Mitsubishi into giving the customer a credit towards another Mits purchase..hopefully not a DLP. This is more than what most TV manufactures will do. Especially on a TV that is several years old and completely out of warranty.

Don't hold your breath on a full credit. They may however give you $500 or so. The highest credit I've seen given to a customer was $800. Still not great for a person that spent $4000 on the