MIT MH-750 Shotgun Speaker Cable

I've been reading the cable posts and haven't seen much discussion regarding MIT speaker cable. I was particularly interested in opinions regarding this cable versus others in the $900-$1200 price range.

Meridian 507 CD
McIntosh C15 preamp
Adcom 5500 amp
Sonus Faber Grand Piano speakers
Stealth PGS interconnects
It seems that MIT is either very much liked by some, or is very much disliked by others. Everyone has their personal taste & opinions, likes & dislikes, which is of course as it should be.
A number of years ago I decided to try some MH750+ & liked the results with my horns. After a couple of years I found a great deal here on MH750 Magnum BiWire so I upgraded & am now extremely more satisfied. Others seems to report hearing a haze or veiling with MIT, so go figure? Apparently these are synergy issues - nothing unusual about that. I had to try out quite a bit of different equipment before I found the right amp synergy as well.
I run MIT 750 shotgun's with my Thiel speakers. They sound pretty good. Try to run MIT 330 shotgun interconnects for a matched cabling system.