Mis-guided passion, mis-spent cash, my advice.....
I've been hanging out here for a few weeks, and I have come to respect the Audiophile.
You good folks love your music, and I would dare say you know exactly WHAT you like about your music.
So I say to you, now that you've got great gear, make use of it. Stop spending your hard-earned cash on new speakers and preamps, and start spending it on recording gear!
If anyone should be recording music, it's the forking audiophile community!
I record music in my home. Recording has become the love of my life. Before recording, music was the love of my life.
Now I love my recordings. Narcissism? No. I now have the power to shape recordings to my liking, and there's nothing more rewarding than someone else enjoying your recordings right along beside you. Of course, it helps if the songs you've recorded are actually any good.
There is a whole world of musical understanding out there just waiting to be devoured.
So again, my advice to you all is to begin a new quest to the other side of the music you adore, and become a recording engineer!
God bless,