Mirage Omnisats: No traffic, no reviews?

Given the amount of ad space I've seen devoted to Mirage's Omnisat system, I'm kind of stunned that there's very little in the way of reviews or user feedback on them. Nothing on USENET, no major press other that a single review in Home Theatre


but it looks like the reviewer was already sold on the omni technology.

There are no dealers in my area, so I've got to travel to Canada (where they are made) to hear them. I gave them a quick listen a couple of months ago, but I need to hear more before buying.

So...has anyone else heard them? Any opinions? It may be marketing but I'm really curious about the omni soundfield, especially since I'm in a smallish room and need to get things dispersed quickly.

I've got a fine 2-channel rig, so this is really only for HT.

Showing 1 response by listen

Check out Jan/Feb 2003 TPV article on page 16. They have some good comments on the type of sound they produce. Sounds like a neat little package for small room suround applications.