Mint Best Tractor still in business?

I'm wondering if anyone know if 'Mint' is still in business.
I've written five emails over the course of a month or more with no response.

Thanks in advance.

Showing 2 responses by nandric

I agree with you all. Just got my third for my FR-64s/SP- 10 combo. Needed two days to get those damn fractions of 1 mm right. What an hobby.
Narticus, 'around 257mm' will not do.If Yip has no data about some arm/TT combo he will ask you even to measure very pricise the spindle diameter of your TT. Those seem to vary 'considarably'. I own 4 Mint tractors made for 4 different tonearms and two TT's. They are very pricise and easy to use.