Minor keys are like spice and alcohol?

Only to be enjoyed by adults as they have a slight edge.

I think about some of my all time favourite pieces new(ish) and very old. All the ones I come back to may even be written in a major key, but the angst, pain, edge, realness (sorry for using such a terrible word, but it worked for Shakespeare) always comes to us via the minor (possibly variation) - usually the minor third or sixth depending if you want to go up or down.

Does it take a little personal pain to "get" this, or just an appreciation of the musical make-up?

I have had one recent track which is (fairly) new bring me to tears which although based in E-Major (guitar based) when pushed ends up in C# minor when they are pressing the emotion buttons. And for such a simple song, it reminds me why I love music so much and how I would like to spend more time with it.

Showing 1 response by howie

Dominant chords actually contain more of an edge as it contains the devil's triad. Anyways, I disagree with the notion that minor keys are only to be enjoyed by adults. It's like arguing that children should not be exposed to any feelings of loss, death or sadness (for example fairy tales). Minor keys give a different mood and does trigger a different feeling in us I think.

I also think that his notion is more or less reflective of the cultural biases we grew up with. Most of us growing up in Western civilizations are simply not "used" to hearing dissonance that's all. Once you're used to it, you'll hear it as correct, cool, beautiful, or whatever your thoughts may be. Minor sounds, afterall, are natural in this world. We can hear it everywhere.