Minimum recommended amplification requirements and amplifier matching

If a speaker has a "recommended amplification requirement" between 80W-200W with a 90dB sensitivity what are the actual minimum amplification requirement? In particular, the Line Magnetic 211ia is rated at 15W triode and 32W ultralinear. Can smaller tube amplifiers provide enough wattage to drive speakers that require more than twice the recommended output?

Showing 1 response by swampwalker

It most likely will sound "loud enough", but, with respect to the referenced speaker and amp, 3 important questions:
1.  Was it designed/voiced for a solid state or tube amp and particularly what does the impedance curve look like at the frequency extremes. 
2.  What is the dynamic range of the music you listen to?  Power requirements rise exponentially on peaks. 
3.  Do you plan to run it in triode or ultra-linear mode?