Minimum recommended amplification requirements and amplifier matching

If a speaker has a "recommended amplification requirement" between 80W-200W with a 90dB sensitivity what are the actual minimum amplification requirement? In particular, the Line Magnetic 211ia is rated at 15W triode and 32W ultralinear. Can smaller tube amplifiers provide enough wattage to drive speakers that require more than twice the recommended output?

Showing 1 response by gs5556

I would recommend a preamp with a gain of over 20 with a tube amp. My CAT preamp with a gain of 26 drives my 3 watt 2A3 amp to realistic levels connected to a pair of 86 db Thiel 3.6's. Of course that applies to things like solo instrument and chamber music. When it comes time for a Mahler 8 or a Bruckner 9 the Levinson beasts get called up to the plate.