Minimalist PMC AML:1 based setup - opinions needed

I am thinking of setting up a very minimalist setup similar to others mentioned here. It will consist of the following:

Speakers: PMC AML1 Active Speakers
Source: Either one of the following sources:
a. Slimdevices Transporter
b. Linn Majik DS
c. Squeezebox + Benchmark DAC-1

I have 2 questions:

1. Which do you think would be the best source(in terms of pure sound

2. Do I need a preamp for any of these sources?

I'd also be interested to hear of peoples' experiences with the AML1s as this will be my first foray into pro-audio speakers.

Many thanks in advance for your help.


Showing 1 response by wonderful_electric

Don't go for that Squeezebox solution because it isn't 24bit/96khz compatible. The transporter is superior to the Linn Majik for less money. If you want the best of all worlds, maybe go for an Olive Melody + Belcanto DAC3/ Benchmark DAC1.
I own the DAC3 and it drives my active speakers well. Many people on the forum seems to prefer the DAC3 to the DAC1 if driven direct without preamp, some attribute it to the larger power supply.

Happy hunting!