Mini Monitors - Dynaudio and JM Labs

After 11 years with my Thiel CS22 floorstanders, I’m ready to make a change and have decided to try out some mini monitors because of room size 15’x17’x7.5’ and the fact that I have a REL Stadium III to take care of the low end. I’ve narrowed my search down to two brands, Dynaudio and JM Labs. I’m looking at the Micro Utopia Be and either to the three Dynaudio models, Confidence C1, Special 25, or Contour 1.3SE.

I listen to pretty much all types of music but the majority being Jazz, Rock, and Alternative. One thing about the Thiel’s that I have always had a difficult time dealing with was that the listening position was extremely critical. The way that I have my speakers positioned, only one person at a time could truly enjoy the music from my Thiel’s. I’m hoping that I can improve my predicament with the speakers listed above as well as moving a step up in the quest for the absolute sound. I believe I have plenty of power to drive any of the speaker listed. A list of my associated equipment is listed “my system”.

Please, your recommendations or comments are welcome if you have compared or owned any speakers listed above.
Sorry I haven't read through the above responses if I'm repeating anything that's been said already, but as the 9-year owner of CS2.2's myself, I'd suggest maybe also checking out Thiel's latest iteration of the SCS, the SCS4. I haven't heard it yet, and am not even sure whether it has shipped yet, but the concentric tweeter/mid-woofer array will make listening position less critical than a 3-way floorstander like the 2.2 (the original version of the SCS is what turned me on to the Thiel sound in the first place many years ago). Supposed to be priced at around only $2K a pair as well, less than its predecessor despite the addition of an aluminum baffle. (Of course, the best subwoofer match ought to be one of Thiel's own, used with its model-specific crossover module.)
ALDOG & Nolitan ; The comment about another veil being lifted is exactly what I felt when I heard the Micro's ! It was as if all of the other box speakers had something covering the tweeter . The closest to a stat/panel sound that I have found .
However , I have owned a couple of JM Labs speakers from the Electra line , without the Be tweeter . I also felt like something (life,heart,sole,musicality etc.) was missing from the presentation . At first I thought it might be bass , hence my move up the line . I then tried adding a subwoofer which did not 'fix' it either .
I was so captivated with the openess of the tweeter that I did not evaluate this aspect , of the presentation , during my short audition of the Micro's . Due you , or any other owners , have this sense of something missing ?
There was also a statement made that the Dyns need an abundance of SS power . While auditioning the Micro's , the salesman stated that the Micros were previously demonstrated using a Mac tubed integrated amp . They then moved to a Mac tubed pre and a Mac SS amp (c220 & 252) and he stated that the Micros "really opened up"!
Can you , and other Micro ownwers , tell me what you are using to drive them ?

Thank you .
i am using YBA Passion Integre to drive the Micros. my amp is rated 50W at 8ohms which is not considered as powerful as SS amp but it has no problem driving the Micros. the quality of the amp matters much more because Micros is very revealing. the YBA amp has two kinda output: high damping factor output and low damping output (tube like). the low damping factor output has fuller sound and especailly fuller (or uncontrolled if you wanna call it in this way) bass with a bit loss of transparency and bass extension (as mentioned in YBA manual) but so far i feel it gives much better result for Micros for jazz music. it compensate the lean bass of Micros.

now comes back to the bass issues of Micros. maybe i rephrase my previous statement a little bit. the bass of Micros is OK for a bookshelf speakers. however comparing to the PERFECT tweeter and PERFECT midrange, it's obvious less perfect. but of course that's why there are high range models like Diva/Alto/Grand Utopia. the bass of Micros rolls out quite sharply from around 50hz. however above 50hz, the bass has tons of textures, details, speed, pace, with a warm touch. all i can say is, it does a good job within its limitations (50hz -3db) but not beyond that. i assume anyone who adopt Utopia series has the objective of pursuing perfect sounding without compromise. thus i feel a good subwoofer is still necesary in this sense.
Very informative response Liuhao . You seem to share the same admiration for the Micro's .
What made you change from the Triangles ?
Have you had a chance to try any other amplification ?
Thank you .
frankly speaking, in my case, the changes from Triangles to Micros are mostly because of upgrade bug. :-) no clear reasons but just want to upgrade. need a new toy for my christmas to keep myself happy. that's it.

being both french speakers, the Triangles actually share the same sonic characteristic as Micros. they are both transparent, easy to drive, light and easy sounding. i feel that they are trying to produce same kind of sound. at least their understandings of how the speakers should sound are same or very close so i feel i have a very smooth migration without any shock, surprise or effort of getting used to "new" sound.

the differences are not fundamental but only technical. the Micros tweeter is clearly better than Triangles (and anything i have ever heard) with better treble extensions. this makes overall sounding of Micros slightly lighter and more transparent. but this doesnt suggest the treble of Triangles is bad. midrange of Micros is more round and neutral while Triangles is more laid back and warm. the Triangle has easier and better bass extensions but Micros has more bass texture above 50hz. however all these differences do not make them different type of sound. i am happy with Micros but also surprised to find out that being ten times cheaper than Micros (600 vs 6000), the Triangles clearly not even one time inferior. just imho of course.

i tried a few amps but still felt my YBA matches best with Micros (especially using low damping factor output). however, please be noted that what i have tried DO NOT include the well-known-good-match-amps like mointosh SS, jeff rowland SS or jadis tube amp. i would love to but unfortunately didnt get chance to try these amps. but i would highly suggest you go for the proven ones because i have heard how bad it could sound when pairing with a mismatch amp.