Mingus, Charles Mingus?

I bought my first LP by Charles Mingus in 1960. I had never heard of Mingus and I was looking for something different. I liked the art work on the LP, Mingus Ah Um/ Charles Mingus, so I bought it. I was rewarded beyond my wildest dreams.
For me, Jazz had become "repetitive"; Mingus was anything but. The very first cut evoked pictures and visions. "Better Git it in Your Soul" created a Baptist prayer meeting where everybody got the "Holy Ghost". The 2nd cut, "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat", created a vision of a man walking down a deserted city sidewalk in the middle of a black night; just him and the neon signs.
I continued to buy "Mingus Music" until his death, and I was never disapointed. If you try "Mingus Ah Um/ Charles Mingus, you might get "Mingus in your soul".

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Mingus, With Eric Dolphy, and Oscar Pettiford,Lucky Thompson, These guys,were True innovators of Jazz. Sadly, they found more fame in every country around the world, where coming home the U.S., often they had to enter via the "back door". Japan, and Europe treated these guys like the "Beatles!" One reason Eric Dolphy planned to live in Paris, before his sudden death; and other expatriate musicians lived in Europe, where they could walk in like everyone else.

I Love Music!