Miles Davis "Kind of Blue" drove me insane almost

I have K2 CD of Miles Davis "Kind Of Blue", that I've had for a while, but never actually carefully listened to.
Now, I put it on and almost immediately on track one, I hear pretty audible noise/distortion, when the trumpet comes in. Forward to track 4- same kind of noise. Sounds like a blown tweeter or a bad tube.
I actually had the same kind of experience when the output stage tubes in my Modwright Denon went bad.
So naturally, I'm going on a wild goose chase- switching ICs left to right, switching output tubes in my CD, preamp.
Swapped my Lamm monoblocks left to right- no change, noise is still there.
After ruling out CD, preamp and power amps, the only possible outcome is the blown tweeters (highly unlikely).
Three days later I decide to rule out the most unlikely cause.
I put the CD in the whole different system- new CD player, amp and speakers- and of course, the noise is still there.
All this time, I've been chasing system problem, it has been faulty recording!!!
Here is my questions- I'm probably the only one here, who hasn't heard "Kind Of Blue" in critical listening session.
It's been around for decades and heard by millions of people, likely by almost every member of this forum.
So you guys always knew this was a technically compromised recording with some obvious noises overlaying the music (it actually sounds like a combination of overdriven tubes and a vinyl surface noise, crackling)?
Has anyone not heard it? Has anyone been sent on a wild goose chase by it, like I had?

Showing 5 responses by maril555

Well, it's not that obvious. I did put a different music on, and didn't hear the distortion
But, that was exactly the case when my CDP output stage tubes
went sour- I only heard it on one of the Tom Waits tracks.
It manifested itself only with a particular type of music, that I guess was more challenging for the failing tubes to amplify???
Do you have "Kind of Blue"?
Thank you much for confirming I'm not hallucinating, really.
I guess, i have to work on my methodology, when faced with system- related "problems".
The second part of my question actually was about the other peoples experience with "Kind of Blue"- the noise/distortion is so obvious, I'm surprised, it hasn't attracted anyone's attention yet
I did Google search on ""Kind of Blue" distortion"- and, of course, it is well documented. Exactly on the tracks I hear it. Could have saved myself some sanity, had I thought about it earlier. Oh, well.
The thread by Warrenh, "Kind of Blue" you mentioned, really put things into a different perspective for me.
Everyone there seems to be ecstatic about this very version (K2 HDCD)sound quality, without any mention of the glaring distortion.
Just one example-"K2HD CD is really quite good and noticably better than any other version I've heard. The bite of the saxes is astonishing and all around very musical. I've not heard any SACD version."
They do "bite", alright.
It appears, that the problem is on the master tapes. People share similar experiences with different issues of the "Kind of Blue"- various CD re-issues and vinyl as well.