Miles Davis Newbe Question

I recently purchased a CD by Miles Davis titled "Love Songs".
This is the first Miles Davis music I have purchased. What would be some recommendations as to some of his best material. Thanks very much for any feedback!

Showing 7 responses by lrsky

Ck, what about it? You done any listening to these industry giants, saints?

As an additional thought...while my first concert was Miles Davis...and it was wonderful...stylistically, I preferred and still prefer Clifford Brown to Miles...Clifford was wonderful...and depending on your personal tastes, you may like his work, may not....but he is a worthy listen.
The Complete Blue Note and Pacific Jazz Recordings....I was just listening the other day, and commented here on Audiogon as to 'What's on your Turntable'.
Sadly, Clifford died so young in a car accident...1956. But his legacy and work lives on--he worked with Cannonball Adderley and Charlie Parker...great people to associate with.
If you try him...let us know what you think...his style and tone...for my taste the best...Chris Botti unabashedly emulates his style--and while not as good, a terrific player in his own right.

Good listening,
Thanks for it get any better than Clifford...
When I hear some of the Alto players (I played and tried, operative word tried, to play like Charlie...) of that era, I'm amazed at the talent was a Golden Era...people who don't listen to that genre and era are really missing out.

You are in my inner circle of 'Those with undeniable Taste!!', lol.

Cannonball is a little less (if any) bebop...and a little more, only stylistically, to my taste.
His album with Nancy Wilson, is a treasure that I've turned tons of folks on to.
His rendition of 'Can't Get Started' is another 'Gold Standard'.

Yes, and the one I mentioned is his whole (most anyway) collection.

Charlie Parker is a freakishly good player, whose 'licks', 'phrasings' are still copied and emulated some 50 odd years later.

You'd like my collection Orpheus10.

Charles 1 dad,

'You go to my head', from the Complete Blue Note and Pacific Jazz recordings...marvelous.
Thank goodness all that beautiful work was captured.
I could only wish that the great Winston Ma of First Impressions Music, would get hold of these and 'remaster ' the whole lot, using his 'magic'.

Wow...what a thought!

And, of course try Clifford Brown.
His works with Cannonball and that group were magnificent and set a standard not equaled in some respects.
