Migration to Seperates

I am considering migrating to seperates away from a mcintosh MA6900 intergrated. The power from this model is enough for my B&W 805s's but I would like to hear a tubed preamp.
Idiot Question - Can I add a preamp and run it in to one of the balanced or unbalanced inputs on the integrated? If so, this would allow me to try this path out before making a fuller commitment and buying a power amp as well.

Showing 6 responses by jimmy3993

Jusdsauce - Could you tell me more about what you mean regarding seperation? Do you mean that giving similar quality seperates that I could expect more precise channel separation? THX!

Johnbender - I did notice that on my integrated there are removable jumpers connecting the pre and power sections of the integrated. It sounds like this means that by removing the jumpers I can seperate the two sections and try paring it with a pre or a power. Is that right?
Thanks again to you both.
Good to know. My intent was to pick up a used c2200 for now and if I felt like it was an improvement, sell the 6900 and buy a used power amp.
Good question. Just looking for "more" i guess. And I must confess that I am hooked on the Mac visuals so I wanted to pair a mac pre with a solid state amp from another maker.
If I cant hear the improvement of the pre then it will get re-listed.
But I am new at this and if you feel like I am missing something obvious in my system, please feel free to point it out. The great thing about the used market is that I can try things and if I dont like the results I can get out of them with out much financial damage...
Judsauce -
Thanks! I am going to give it a shot. I hope that I get 1/2 the experience that you had! And dont for a minute worry that you offended me by preferring seperatese to integrateds. I am too new at all of this to have any ego tied up in it.
I was a musician growing up and totally engrossed in music. Then I got away from it for about 20 years. So I have a lot of catching up to do.
When I bought the integrated (on this site. really great place.) I couldnt imagine spending the money that good seperates cost but 6 months later, it dosent seem that shocking.
I am going to try components that I can demo via mail order first. I know that NuForce and class d have thier detractors but I had a really great conversation with them and they are sending thier current pre and their current monos for me to demo for 2 weeks for $20. I will try them both together and seperatly with the 2 facets of the mac and see what happens. Then I will send them back and see what else is out there.
If you have any favorites that allow for audition in this manner please let me know. I would like to be able to get the combo used for 6 to 8k.
Again, thanks for the input!
thanks. Once I have found something I like better, the mac will go. it is too big/valuble to keep around. I will definatly stay with the used market for electronics. Just too much extra value to be had. Speakers are another story. Not sure that I could buy them used.
Thanks agian!
Judsauce -
Have had the chance to spend a week with the nuforce products. The P9 pre and the v2se monos. Pulled the jumpers on my mcintosh and mixed and matched.
I really like the nuforce monos. Very strong in terms of imaging. I like the pre to except it has very "hot" gain settings. Meaning I can only use 3 or 4% of the volume and the steps are very pronounced. Nuforce says that thier volume control sounds better (see thier literature if you are interested. Over my head.) but all I know is that it is not practical for my needs. Great HT integration though. One of the inputs acts as a passthrough when the pre is off. It is so simple that it is spouse proof. I am going to let go of my integrated and look around for a tubed pre with an ht bypass. Let me know if you have any suggestinos. THX!