Midrange texture?

I'm curious what part of the audio system defines the midrange texture and detail of the sound. For example when listening to violin or cello, in some system you hear more of the vibration of the wood and resin in the bow. Also for the saxophone, in some system you hear the vibrating reed in addition to the sound of horn.

Showing 7 responses by sarcher30

IMO to achieve what your after you need a more transparent preamp and amp. I have no personal experience with your particular equipment but I would think you could get better performance from a dedicated 2 channel preamp. Also I have owned and auditioned a few Rotel amps and although good for the money they aren't the most transparent.
Sorry, I reread your system page and realized you do have a 2 channel preamp. I thought you were using the Unidisc SC as a preamp for 2 channel.
What speakers and components were in the systems that had the effect you are after? If you could borrow one piece at a time you might be able to figure out what would work in your system.
Vibration control is another avenue to explore. I just installed some Herbies Iso-cups with lampblack balls under my tube preamp. I can not believe the improvement in my system. They seem to have lowered the noise floor. I can hear more low level detail. Also they reduced some glare I had. I'm a very happy camper. I think I will try some Herbies Tenderfeet under some of my other equipment.
Hi Jylee,

I understand your skepticism.

They seem to lower the noise floor. I can hear more low level detail. I don't hear any change in tonal balance just more details.

I don't have much experience with isolation devices. The only other device I have tried were a set of 3 aurios bearings. I tried these under every piece of equipment I own and noticed nothing benificial. I also hated how wobbly they were.

The Herbies are cheaper and actually work in my system. I tried one set and am very impressed. I've ordered enough for the rest of my system.

I suggest trying a set and if you don't like them your just out shipping because he has a 90 day return policy. I know of no other company that sells isolation tweeks that has a return policy. Its about $65 for a set of four. Compared to the prices of some of the other devices on the market these are a bargin and a half.