Midbass issues

    • Loudspeakers  reproduces sound comprising of different frequencies, including low frequencies, midrange frequencies, and high frequencies. Low frequencies are the deepest sound notes you hear from audio. Low frequencies are commonly known as bass. Basically, midbass is the frequency range between lower midrange and upper bass. Midrange frequencies range from 300 Hz to 3,000 Hz whereas bass frequencies range 20 Hz to 1,000 Hz. In this regard, midbass frequency ranges between 140 Hz to 400 Hz.Why is midbass important?

      While most music lovers tend to only consider bass, midrange, and highs, midbass is equally important. You can only enjoy the completeness of music when your speakers and audio system are properly tuned to reproduce all frequencies, including midbass. Leaving out some frequencies at the expense of others will result in missing out on important audio details.

      Midbass is an integral part of sound reproduction. It mainly covers audio tones produced by orchestral instruments. Orchestral instruments include cellos, trumpets, bass trombones, bass drums, bassoons, and French horns among others. Besides the tones produced by orchestral instruments, midbass also covers a male voice. A typical male voice is also categorized as midbass when either speaking or singing.

      If your audio system has little midbass, then you’ll lose crucial tones within the midbass range and you’ll notice that the audio is lacking some depth. 

      Enhanced midbass response results in enhanced sound clarity. If you’re able to set up your speakers to get awesome midbass, then you’ll get sound reproduction with the right depth and less muddy effects. This results in better clarity.



Showing 2 responses by jetter


I purchased the newly introduced Schitt Lokius ($300) a few months ago.  I find it works very well for fine tuning speaker frequencies.  I wanted to add just a touch more treble emphasis to my soft dome tweeters.  For me it is basically set and forget, same adjustment for all music, versus adjusting individually for any particular song or album as some do.  To some extent, I think this device more or less accomplishes what others are spending untold dollars on for different pieces of equipment and cables to achieve.  It even has a short trial period money back guaranty.

What member wolf-garcia mentioned about the Schitt Loki:is the same for the Schitt Lokius:

 No clue how they managed this but you can flip it on and off, take it out for comparison, pour hot lava on it, subject it to quantum magnetic hypersnot....whatever...and it is signalus non interuptus el mundo.


Schitt Audio sells 3 equalizers, I have the Lokius.

Schiit Audio: Audio Products Designed and Built in California

I am guilty of assuming that you would find the adjustments you required with the 5 EQ bands of the Lokius.

Schiit Audio: Audio Products Designed and Built in California

The bands offered by the Lokius are:

Bands: 20Hz, 120Hz, 400Hz, 2kHz, 6kHz, 16kHz

Adjustment: +/-12dB at 20Hz and 16kHz, +/-9dB at 120Hz and 6kHz, +/-6dB at 400 and 2kHz